Saturday, October 15, 2011

What I have learned from Mr.Simmelink

Mr.Simmelink taught me to never give up. I kept trying to have fun but he kept refusing me to do it. He has helped me that way i'm not like that anymore. Mr.Simmelink will teach you tons of stuff he's helped me a lot. I hope he helps you too. Mr.Simmelink if you are reading this thank you for having me in your class, I think your the best teacher ever.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Chapter 51 Holes

Chapter 51
X-ray, Stanley, Armpit, Twitch and Magnet all were ready to give Mr.Sir, Mr.Pendanski and the warden all the things they had been looking to do to them there entire life. They ended up doing this stuff because of Stanley and Zero. They made them work all day with barely any water. Twitch drove the water truck and Armpit, X-ray and Magnet all partied in Mr.Sir's office drinking pop and just playing games. Stanley and Zero left Green Lake to move into there new home. To make a long story short Mr.Sir, Mr.Pendanski and the warden were in PAIN all day long and after that they were sent to jail.   
     Zero got some private investors last chapter and used them to find his mother. He thought she ditched him when he was young. Stanley wondered who she was when Zero brought her to "his" house. [Zero lives with Stanley]She had been looking for Zero since the day they lost each other. Stanley got in a commercial with Clyde Livingston. Stanley thought Clyde was still mad at him but he knew after the commercial that they were friends, Zero was apart of this friendship. They actually worked things out. Clyde forgived Zero for stealing his shoes.
     Stanley and Zero were such great friends. Stanley had no idea how the shoes ended up back to Clyde Livingston. Zero showed Stanley where he waited and how long he stayed there with barely any food or water. Zero didn't know if he had a father so he asked his mother. She said "Zero baby you do have a father, we just got in a little argument so-' Zero interrupted "So what you're saying is that I do have a father but you and him are divorced?!" She gulped and said "Yes," she gulped again then said "but he was being dramatic and bad also he robbed!" Zero ran out of the room crying.
     His mother came after him but Zero was to quick since of Camp Green Lake. Zero ran in the basement and locked the door. His mother kept trying to open the door but it was locked. Zero tried experiments with Stanley's dad's chemistry set. Stanley used the elevator to get to the basement. He helped Zero his dad always let's Stanley and Zero use his chemistry set because the only reason they're here is because of Stanley and Zero finding the suitcase.

Friday, April 8, 2011

New Holes Character

Martinez Alexander Boyer is a boy who doesn't have a dad and his mom died of Lou Gehrig disease, he was a lonely child and thought that his only way of living is by stealing. So he did just that. He only got caught once. That is when he tried to rob the bank. The police sent him to jail but he didn't want to be there so they sent him to Camp Green Lake instead. When he got there he didn't like it at all so he told Mr.Sir that he wanted to leave but he only way to leave now is to run in the hot desert. On his first day he met everyone in group D. There was Caveman, Zero, X-ray, Armpit and he doesn't know very much about this one, Barf bag.
He was very careful to be by the others to make sure he didn't steal the water truck when it left. He always was talking to Caveman when they were digging. He had a fun time at Camp Green Lake but it seems his uncle John came and paid to get him out. The two things he never forgot from Camp Green Lake was Caveman and Zero.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Two Advertisements

Sam's famous onions! 

On sale now for half off! Best onions around! Come and buy them! Act now and receive a free table! Order now. You have to! Look at my donkey it's 50 years old and still alive!               

Only $2.00!
Come to Green Lake,Texas find a boy that has a cart and says "Onions! Get your onions here! Sweet fresh onions here!"

Katherine's most delicious and famous Spiced Peaches!

Katherine is so nice she'll practically give them away for free. Act now and receive some peaches! It's the only place in America that you can buy this stuff. Come to Green Lake,Texas. Remember only ones in the county.                                                    
Stop by the only school house knock and ask for Ms.Katherine.
Only $2.00

Friday, March 25, 2011

Letters home

     Dear Mom,
Camp Green Lake isn't that bad. There it is so fun you could practically swim and sleep at the same time! I've almost got my swim badge, next it's a rock climbing badge. I have been working real hard. After the rock climbing badge its 5ft hole badge. Camp is great!
     It would be better if I hadn't made friends. Most of my friends are on the 5ft hole badge, guess what they tell me you have to do it a lot of times. I'm probably going to do a lot better so I complete that badge. Well since I came to camp everything in the rec room is still not broken, I thought everything would break because of our bad luck.
                                                                        Your Son,

     Dear Mom,
Camp Green Lake is so not nice and I wish I wasn't here at all. I told this new kid whose nickname is Caveman. He isn't bad. He was the first one to find something the warden might like. I told him earlier that if you find something give it to me. In the wreck room everything is broken. Its more worse than jail. Camp is the worst place on Earth!

                                                                    Your Son,

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

When I Grow Up...

When  I Grow Up...

When I grow up I want to be a football player. I like being a middle linebacker for the Carroll Cardinals and don’t want it to stop. I’ve always liked football since I was 4. I have always seen the Super Bowl and always put myself in it. I mostly like it because my mom, dad, aunts, uncles, cousins and my brother come to cheer Carroll on. That’s why I like football.
When I grow up I want to be a Firefighter. Firefighters always save people from burning buildings. Firefighters also help cats get out of trees. People in a building have to be saved by someone and that someone is a firefighter. Firefighters when they die they are remembered forever. That’s why I want to be a firefighter.
When I grow up I want to be a tennis player. In tennis they are able to hit a tennis ball back and forth. They also can serve it back to the other person if they score. Another thing is you’ll be better every time and know your opponents moves after your game. You can play with a friend and have a lot of fun. That’s why I love tennis.

By Kobe Hass
                                                          March 22,2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

Chapters 1-8 Holes

Chapter 1
There is no lake at Camp Green Lake. Although it use to have a lake. It was the biggest lake in Texas. In the daytime under a shade it's about 95 degrees under it. Don't get bitten by a yellow spotted lizard or else you will die.

Chapter 2
You probably are wondering why someone would go to Camp Green Lake. Well Stanley is there because he "stole" a pair of shoes from Clyde Livingston. He was sent to court on the same day he "stole" those shoes. He had a choice of either Jail or Camp Green Lake, he never been to camp so he chose it.

Chapter 3
Stanley was the only one on the bus going to Camp Green Lake. In the bus there was a guard with a rifle under his chin and the bus driver. They hit a bump and the guard woke up. Stanley thought he could act like it was Camp Fun and Games.

Chapter 4
Stanley was somewhat gazed as the guard unlocked his handcuffs. the bus driver said be careful. Stanley didn't know what he meant to watch the steps or good riddance. He walked inside a tent there was Mr.Sir. Mr.Sir asked Stanley to come outside. He asked do you see any guard towers. No. Do you see any fences. No. Stanley could've ran away. But he knew this was the only water for hundreds of miles.

Chapter 5
There were six large gray tents. A,B,C,D,E or F. Mr. Pendanski showed him to his bed. Mr.Pendaski said " I'm going to help you turn your life around." he said. He showed him to two kids one was white and one was black. There nicknames were Squid and X-ray. They weren't very nice though.

Chapter 6
Stanley took a shower ate dinner and went to bed if you could call either of those by its name. Dinner was kind of stewed meat and vegetables. He ate everything he just can't help himself but he was hungry. A camper asked what are you in for. Stanley said "Stole a pair of shoes.

Chapter 7
Stanley was not at all ready to dig. Stanleys's shovel was heavy for his soft and fleshy hands. He wasn't ready. About 2 hours later X-ray was done. Stanley seemed to have been to be he last one done. He told Mr.Pendanski that he was done.

Chapter 8
A lot of people believe in curses a lot of people don't believe in yellow spotted lizards. The reason it's called a yellow spotted lizard is because it has yellow spots and it can jump higher than 5ft high. So no matter what your dead.