Chapter 8
Shiloh is doing better than ever now. I fix up some frankfurters with cheese and mixed sour cream and onion, he really doesn't like the cheese at all though. Mom and everybody else were gone at the store, so I had time to play with Shiloh up here, though later they will be back soon because their already here. So I have to go up to the hill and play with Shiloh there.
Chapter 9
Yesterday ma found out that I was keeping Shiloh on the hill. I told her most of it was true though. Tonight I heard a dog growl and a whimper. So I thrust my feet and run to the hill, as soon as I got there I tried not to cry. Shiloh was attacked by a big German Shepard. I ran over but the first step I took the German Shepard ran and ran. Shiloh was hurt bad his ear was torn up plus his neck was bitten and yet his leg was bitten.
Chapter 10
Shiloh lived though he could still breathe, but right away dad put him in the truck and drove past Judd's to Doc's house. Doc really didn't want to do it right now but he was a doctor not a vet. He said to come back tomorrow and pick him up in about a week or so. So a day later. Dad's mad at me for not telling him that I had Shiloh. Still it isn't that bad seeing Shiloh today. Today Doc pulled up in his truck with Shiloh in it.
Chapter 11
I can hear mom and dad talking down the hall, they are talking about weather they should bring Shiloh back to Judd or just keep him. I was hoping for them to keep them. But they got something combining both, it was to keep Shiloh until he gets better and then give him back to Judd Travers. I was happy when I heard the keep Shiloh part but when I heard give him back to Judd I was shocked. Later I sat down with Shiloh with my sisters. They were happy to see him even though it was their first time.
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