Dear Mom,
Camp Green Lake isn't that bad. There it is so fun you could practically swim and sleep at the same time! I've almost got my swim badge, next it's a rock climbing badge. I have been working real hard. After the rock climbing badge its 5ft hole badge. Camp is great!
It would be better if I hadn't made friends. Most of my friends are on the 5ft hole badge, guess what they tell me you have to do it a lot of times. I'm probably going to do a lot better so I complete that badge. Well since I came to camp everything in the rec room is still not broken, I thought everything would break because of our bad luck.
Your Son,
Dear Mom,
Camp Green Lake is so not nice and I wish I wasn't here at all. I told this new kid whose nickname is Caveman. He isn't bad. He was the first one to find something the warden might like. I told him earlier that if you find something give it to me. In the wreck room everything is broken. Its more worse than jail. Camp is the worst place on Earth!
Your Son,
Friday, March 25, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
When I Grow Up...
When I Grow Up...
When I grow up I want to be a football player. I like being a middle linebacker for the Carroll Cardinals and don’t want it to stop. I’ve always liked football since I was 4. I have always seen the Super Bowl and always put myself in it. I mostly like it because my mom, dad, aunts, uncles, cousins and my brother come to cheer Carroll on. That’s why I like football.
When I grow up I want to be a Firefighter. Firefighters always save people from burning buildings. Firefighters also help cats get out of trees. People in a building have to be saved by someone and that someone is a firefighter. Firefighters when they die they are remembered forever. That’s why I want to be a firefighter.
When I grow up I want to be a tennis player. In tennis they are able to hit a tennis ball back and forth. They also can serve it back to the other person if they score. Another thing is you’ll be better every time and know your opponents moves after your game. You can play with a friend and have a lot of fun. That’s why I love tennis.
By Kobe Hass
March 22,2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Chapters 1-8 Holes
Chapter 1
There is no lake at Camp Green Lake. Although it use to have a lake. It was the biggest lake in Texas. In the daytime under a shade it's about 95 degrees under it. Don't get bitten by a yellow spotted lizard or else you will die.
Chapter 2
You probably are wondering why someone would go to Camp Green Lake. Well Stanley is there because he "stole" a pair of shoes from Clyde Livingston. He was sent to court on the same day he "stole" those shoes. He had a choice of either Jail or Camp Green Lake, he never been to camp so he chose it.
Chapter 3
Stanley was the only one on the bus going to Camp Green Lake. In the bus there was a guard with a rifle under his chin and the bus driver. They hit a bump and the guard woke up. Stanley thought he could act like it was Camp Fun and Games.
Chapter 4
Stanley was somewhat gazed as the guard unlocked his handcuffs. the bus driver said be careful. Stanley didn't know what he meant to watch the steps or good riddance. He walked inside a tent there was Mr.Sir. Mr.Sir asked Stanley to come outside. He asked do you see any guard towers. No. Do you see any fences. No. Stanley could've ran away. But he knew this was the only water for hundreds of miles.
Chapter 5
There were six large gray tents. A,B,C,D,E or F. Mr. Pendanski showed him to his bed. Mr.Pendaski said " I'm going to help you turn your life around." he said. He showed him to two kids one was white and one was black. There nicknames were Squid and X-ray. They weren't very nice though.
Chapter 6
Stanley took a shower ate dinner and went to bed if you could call either of those by its name. Dinner was kind of stewed meat and vegetables. He ate everything he just can't help himself but he was hungry. A camper asked what are you in for. Stanley said "Stole a pair of shoes.
Chapter 7
Stanley was not at all ready to dig. Stanleys's shovel was heavy for his soft and fleshy hands. He wasn't ready. About 2 hours later X-ray was done. Stanley seemed to have been to be he last one done. He told Mr.Pendanski that he was done.
Chapter 8
A lot of people believe in curses a lot of people don't believe in yellow spotted lizards. The reason it's called a yellow spotted lizard is because it has yellow spots and it can jump higher than 5ft high. So no matter what your dead.
There is no lake at Camp Green Lake. Although it use to have a lake. It was the biggest lake in Texas. In the daytime under a shade it's about 95 degrees under it. Don't get bitten by a yellow spotted lizard or else you will die.
Chapter 2
You probably are wondering why someone would go to Camp Green Lake. Well Stanley is there because he "stole" a pair of shoes from Clyde Livingston. He was sent to court on the same day he "stole" those shoes. He had a choice of either Jail or Camp Green Lake, he never been to camp so he chose it.
Chapter 3
Stanley was the only one on the bus going to Camp Green Lake. In the bus there was a guard with a rifle under his chin and the bus driver. They hit a bump and the guard woke up. Stanley thought he could act like it was Camp Fun and Games.
Chapter 4
Stanley was somewhat gazed as the guard unlocked his handcuffs. the bus driver said be careful. Stanley didn't know what he meant to watch the steps or good riddance. He walked inside a tent there was Mr.Sir. Mr.Sir asked Stanley to come outside. He asked do you see any guard towers. No. Do you see any fences. No. Stanley could've ran away. But he knew this was the only water for hundreds of miles.
Chapter 5
There were six large gray tents. A,B,C,D,E or F. Mr. Pendanski showed him to his bed. Mr.Pendaski said " I'm going to help you turn your life around." he said. He showed him to two kids one was white and one was black. There nicknames were Squid and X-ray. They weren't very nice though.
Chapter 6
Stanley took a shower ate dinner and went to bed if you could call either of those by its name. Dinner was kind of stewed meat and vegetables. He ate everything he just can't help himself but he was hungry. A camper asked what are you in for. Stanley said "Stole a pair of shoes.
Chapter 7
Stanley was not at all ready to dig. Stanleys's shovel was heavy for his soft and fleshy hands. He wasn't ready. About 2 hours later X-ray was done. Stanley seemed to have been to be he last one done. He told Mr.Pendanski that he was done.
Chapter 8
A lot of people believe in curses a lot of people don't believe in yellow spotted lizards. The reason it's called a yellow spotted lizard is because it has yellow spots and it can jump higher than 5ft high. So no matter what your dead.
Stanley Yelnats Sentencing Report
Stanley Yelnats said that the pair of shoes fell out of the sky. Well Clyde said they were on display. Many rich people were going to be at a donation center and buy dinner for 100 bucks. They were also going to buy the shoes he wore in baseball. They were at least going to be sold for 50,000 dollars.
Clyde said that who would do this to the elder. Clyde went on that they were going to buy houses for the elder. Clyde also said they were homeless elder and not enough food. Clyde stood up. Clyde went on about how he would do anything to help the elder.
Clyde said that who would do this to the elder. Clyde went on that they were going to buy houses for the elder. Clyde also said they were homeless elder and not enough food. Clyde stood up. Clyde went on about how he would do anything to help the elder.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
My Favorite Football player
My favorite football player is Tom Brady. Tom Brady is my favorite because he is on my favorite football team and is a very good Quarterback. Tom has played in the Super Bowl some times and has become 2 time Super Bowl MVP. Tom is so good he has to have another Super Bowl MVP. And that is why I like Tom Brady.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Holes Prediction
I think it's about a worm or a kid who found a pair of shoes that are worth a fortune. He wears them but the police come to his house and take him to court. He chooses a camp that is a back breaking killer lizard place. He is there for 12 months. He is trying to escape every day but he has a plan that includes some of the other kids there. He escapes with some of the other kids but some of them didn't make it all the way. Some are killed over night by th-the LIZARD! He makes it all the way so at the end of the book he is safely at home and safe. The cops took the shoes though so now they got nothing to prove he did anything wrong.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Shiloh Chapter 12-15
Chapter 12
It's very hard to have Shiloh in the house after keeping him a secret. After supper I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and I peer in the mirror and look at Shiloh. Just then Dad comes to Shiloh's box and let him lick it clean. David is lying like me to his parents. I have really got to stop lying, right now I'm just making other people lie. That night. I hear a truck pull up to our house, It's Judd Travers! He came in the door without asking, just barging in. He says that someone said you had my DOG! He was angrier than a bull in a rodeo.
Chapter 13
I'm back to not sleeping again, because--because we have to bring Shiloh back to Judd! I really am going to miss Shiloh in a day cause that is when we bring him there. My mom tries to cheer me up by telling me that at least I brought joy and love to this family, well right now I didn't care I was going to miss Shiloh a lot. That daylight when no ones awake I get out of bed get dressed and head down to Travers. Right about 100 yards away from Judd's right then and there I see a doe eating on some tall grass when I hear a gun shot and it almost hit the doe! The doe ran and ran ............... then boom, doe down and out. I could see Judd standing on his porch with a rifle.
Chapter 14
Hes wearing an army t-shirt and came down toward me. He was going to grab the doe's legs when he actually came to talk to me. He said the doe was eating at his garden but I didn't see anything about doe eating at a garden. I knew he killed the doe on purpose and out of season. I told him I make a deal if you let me keep Shiloh I won't tell the warden that you killed a doe. He said no, instead he made a deal if I work for him for twenty hours then I can keep Shiloh. I made the deal but there was something about the deal I was not allowed to tell the warden about the doe or else the deals off.
Chapter 15
As soon as I got home I told everybody about the news, they were all happy and right away mom gave me a death hug I could barely breathe. Dad says "Thought he wasn't selling." I said we struck a deal. "All I got to do is work for him for twenty hours. Everybody burst into happiness. Even Shiloh. After I was done with the work me and Shiloh played near the house and just had fun all day.
It's very hard to have Shiloh in the house after keeping him a secret. After supper I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and I peer in the mirror and look at Shiloh. Just then Dad comes to Shiloh's box and let him lick it clean. David is lying like me to his parents. I have really got to stop lying, right now I'm just making other people lie. That night. I hear a truck pull up to our house, It's Judd Travers! He came in the door without asking, just barging in. He says that someone said you had my DOG! He was angrier than a bull in a rodeo.
Chapter 13
I'm back to not sleeping again, because--because we have to bring Shiloh back to Judd! I really am going to miss Shiloh in a day cause that is when we bring him there. My mom tries to cheer me up by telling me that at least I brought joy and love to this family, well right now I didn't care I was going to miss Shiloh a lot. That daylight when no ones awake I get out of bed get dressed and head down to Travers. Right about 100 yards away from Judd's right then and there I see a doe eating on some tall grass when I hear a gun shot and it almost hit the doe! The doe ran and ran ............... then boom, doe down and out. I could see Judd standing on his porch with a rifle.
Chapter 14
Hes wearing an army t-shirt and came down toward me. He was going to grab the doe's legs when he actually came to talk to me. He said the doe was eating at his garden but I didn't see anything about doe eating at a garden. I knew he killed the doe on purpose and out of season. I told him I make a deal if you let me keep Shiloh I won't tell the warden that you killed a doe. He said no, instead he made a deal if I work for him for twenty hours then I can keep Shiloh. I made the deal but there was something about the deal I was not allowed to tell the warden about the doe or else the deals off.
Chapter 15
As soon as I got home I told everybody about the news, they were all happy and right away mom gave me a death hug I could barely breathe. Dad says "Thought he wasn't selling." I said we struck a deal. "All I got to do is work for him for twenty hours. Everybody burst into happiness. Even Shiloh. After I was done with the work me and Shiloh played near the house and just had fun all day.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
My Favorite Book Series
My favorite book series is Captain Underpants. Captain Underpants is a book of two students hypnotizing their principal into one of their comic heros. It has rally great pictures and is a hilarious series. Captain Underpants is a really great series to me. The best part is when they fight something really evil and NASTY! Every time they write it there's always a freaky twist to it. And that is why it's my favorite.
My Favorite Sport
My favorite sport is football. I like being right linebacker. You can tackle as hard as you can, the best part is when you either score a touchdown or when you intercept a pass or recover a fumble or sack the quarterback. As quarterback your job is to pass, hand off and run. For high school in football it's as important as the N.F.L. That's why I like football.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Chapters 8-11 Shiloh
Chapter 8
Shiloh is doing better than ever now. I fix up some frankfurters with cheese and mixed sour cream and onion, he really doesn't like the cheese at all though. Mom and everybody else were gone at the store, so I had time to play with Shiloh up here, though later they will be back soon because their already here. So I have to go up to the hill and play with Shiloh there.
Chapter 9
Yesterday ma found out that I was keeping Shiloh on the hill. I told her most of it was true though. Tonight I heard a dog growl and a whimper. So I thrust my feet and run to the hill, as soon as I got there I tried not to cry. Shiloh was attacked by a big German Shepard. I ran over but the first step I took the German Shepard ran and ran. Shiloh was hurt bad his ear was torn up plus his neck was bitten and yet his leg was bitten.
Chapter 10
Shiloh lived though he could still breathe, but right away dad put him in the truck and drove past Judd's to Doc's house. Doc really didn't want to do it right now but he was a doctor not a vet. He said to come back tomorrow and pick him up in about a week or so. So a day later. Dad's mad at me for not telling him that I had Shiloh. Still it isn't that bad seeing Shiloh today. Today Doc pulled up in his truck with Shiloh in it.
Chapter 11
I can hear mom and dad talking down the hall, they are talking about weather they should bring Shiloh back to Judd or just keep him. I was hoping for them to keep them. But they got something combining both, it was to keep Shiloh until he gets better and then give him back to Judd Travers. I was happy when I heard the keep Shiloh part but when I heard give him back to Judd I was shocked. Later I sat down with Shiloh with my sisters. They were happy to see him even though it was their first time.
Shiloh is doing better than ever now. I fix up some frankfurters with cheese and mixed sour cream and onion, he really doesn't like the cheese at all though. Mom and everybody else were gone at the store, so I had time to play with Shiloh up here, though later they will be back soon because their already here. So I have to go up to the hill and play with Shiloh there.
Chapter 9
Yesterday ma found out that I was keeping Shiloh on the hill. I told her most of it was true though. Tonight I heard a dog growl and a whimper. So I thrust my feet and run to the hill, as soon as I got there I tried not to cry. Shiloh was attacked by a big German Shepard. I ran over but the first step I took the German Shepard ran and ran. Shiloh was hurt bad his ear was torn up plus his neck was bitten and yet his leg was bitten.
Chapter 10
Shiloh lived though he could still breathe, but right away dad put him in the truck and drove past Judd's to Doc's house. Doc really didn't want to do it right now but he was a doctor not a vet. He said to come back tomorrow and pick him up in about a week or so. So a day later. Dad's mad at me for not telling him that I had Shiloh. Still it isn't that bad seeing Shiloh today. Today Doc pulled up in his truck with Shiloh in it.
Chapter 11
I can hear mom and dad talking down the hall, they are talking about weather they should bring Shiloh back to Judd or just keep him. I was hoping for them to keep them. But they got something combining both, it was to keep Shiloh until he gets better and then give him back to Judd Travers. I was happy when I heard the keep Shiloh part but when I heard give him back to Judd I was shocked. Later I sat down with Shiloh with my sisters. They were happy to see him even though it was their first time.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Facts and Opinions about Sir Richard Hawkins

• Sir Richard was born in 1562.
• He died in London on 16-8-1622.
• He was a famous explorer.
• He was a soldier and a privateer.
• He traveled to Brazil with his uncle Sir Francis Drake.
• He's a British admiral.
• The reason he is famous is because he voyaged into the south sea.
• He was the best British admiral.
• I think he was the best explorer around.
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